Thursday, October 24, 2013

High Score

Today I broke my previous record of  breaking 86 lines and advanced all the way to breaking 104 and reaching level 11 starting at level 1. I'm not sure how I got that far considering I wasn't even paying that much attention to the game, and I didn't even notice that I had reached so far in one game until I was already at level 11. However once I realized how far I was I panicked and ended up losing very quickly after that, so maybe the key is to just not think about it as much.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall Break

So I just got back from fall break and I noticed that my skills have gone down significantly during my week long hiatus rom Tetris. I have lost on level one 3 times in a row while only clearing 3 or 4 lines a game. while writing this blog I've had a game open in another tab and I've gotten a little better but my skills are not where they should be. hopefully I will have fully recovered by the end of the period, but the loss of progress is still disappointing. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Hey again. So I have playing for about a week now with no improvement and I'm getting upset and dissatisfied with progress, especially with the fact that I have yet to break 100 lines.
Here's a video of me playing

Monday, September 23, 2013


Hello again, it has recently come to my attention that scoring is not based solely on the amount of lines you clear, but rather the manner you clear them in. I first noticed this after I had cleared roughly the same amount of lines in two separate games, but had a very different ending score. I am unsure how the game is scored and think that different places around the web each score differently. If I knew how it was scored I could focus more on achieving a higher score and not just necessarily clearing  lines.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hello Again, I'm sure you know GTA:V comes out at midnight tonight and I personally have been looking forward to it because of rumors that Tetris will be a playable in-game minigame.
I cant imagine a way to make Tetris better other than driving a supercar through San Andreas then stopping in an arcade to play a nice game of Tetris. Its a game inside of a game, GAMECEPTION.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hey again Tetris fans. I'm happy to say that today I once again broke my record and completed 86 lines in one game. I was doing exceptionally well until I reached level 8 and the pieces began to fall faster than I could arrange them to fit and an ill fitting tower quickly formed which led to my demise

Friday, September 6, 2013

Hello once again, today I broke my previous record of 65 lines and made it to 70. I do not know if it was just blind luck, drawing the right pieces, or a successful use of strategy. Also I have begun to play speed tetris and I think this may have helped me when playing at normal rate because I can spot the best fits faster but also I plan ahead much less this way. As always, if you've get any tips, tricks, or feedback just send me an email at

Thursday, September 5, 2013

This weeks update is a little bit demoralizing as I have yet to get any better than I was last week, as I remain hovering at ~50 lines before the tetronimoes stack up to seal my fate. In lighter news I have developed a new strategy which allows me to get a Tetris very frequently. I do this by using all the pieces(other than the long, straight ones) to create a stack with no holes in it while leaving a single-wide space at the edge of the board to place the long, straight block into. This almost always results in a Tetris.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hello again!
It's been a while since my last post: I've been pretty busy and haven't had much time to post or play Tetris but my game has still improved a little bit. I'm now averaging around 50 lines per game but still having quite a bit of trouble once the pieces speed up. I think I need to start planning my moves and making more strategy instead of just reacting to whatever piece comes. Agree or disagree? feel free to comment or message:)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Hello again Tetris fans.
I'm getting better each week I play but I have yet to develop any kind of real strategy and am just kind of placing them where they best fit. I'm currently clearing about 25-30 lines a game and have plenty of room for improvement. if you know any ways I can improve my game just let me know at I'd be very appreciative

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome to my tetris blog, I will be discussing my progress through the perplexing puzzle game and keep you notified as my skill increases with experience.

I have been playing online at for about a week now and already have noticed a significant increase in my skills. going from roughly 6-12 rows to 15-25.